Saturday, September 1, 2012

I devoured all the books I could get my hands on - (pg 1)

One Born Every Minute - Real Stories From The Delivery Room, by Maria Dore and Ros Bradbury is the book based on my favourite BBC documentary series.

This was a lovely book. Very easy to read and had some beautifully told stories about birth. If anything I wanted more stories or a little more depth. I felt sometimes they glossed over people or situations I would've like to have known more about.

Being pregnant with my second I found this a great book to read at this time. It was reassuring, and also gave me a little more knowledge and background, and the hope that I have midwives just as dedicated as these women.

There are some sad stories here, it's not all about when everything goes well. However these stories are told with dignity and and respect to the families. There are also some damn hilarious stories that made me laugh out loud. They are all told so well I find it difficult to now discern between what I have seen on the series, and what I have read.

121 Days Remaining, 8 Books To Go

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