Friday, August 3, 2012

Expectant mothers are nowadays exhorted to play Mozart and read to their unborn babies - (Pg 19)

Monday's Child is Fair of Face by Steve Roud, is a lovely book to have as a reference sitting in your bookshelf, however it doesn't make for the best read.

It's constructed much like I remember constructing essays in University, badly and without much evidence to back up any comments or theories.

There was not a lot of evidence or support of where or how most of the beliefs and myths started and were perpetuated, there was a lot of guessing and not a lot of fact. In most cases I really wanted to know more about the history or the root of the myth but each saying or myth is touched on only briefly.

Like I mentioned previously, it's lovely to have it there. It has a good contents and index so if you want a little information on something you can quickly find it. It's also probably not the best book to read while pregnant or just after having a baby, especially if you are superstitious! There are a lot of myths that relate to childhood deaths and illnesses as a result of the times from which they came.

151 Days Remaining, 11 Books To Go

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